Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yeah, that didn't last...

So much for posting something every day. I guess what I should have said was "I'll try to maybe start possible posting stuff a little more often... probably."

Today was Tuesday. In fact, it still is Tuesday. In fact, I won't be going to sleep for a while, so I'll have to either post again later tonight, or remember whatever happens after this point and brog about it later... I'll post again later. Stay tuned! No, really, stay in tune. It's annoying when people get out of tune and don't even notice, or worse, don't care. I'm always in tune. FOREVER.

Today is Silver Taps.

Silver Taps is the student body's final tribute paid to an Aggie who, at the time of his/her death, was enrolled in undergraduate or graduate classes at Texas A&M. The notice is posted at the base of the flagpole in front of the Academic Building.

That was a campo. Because I told that to you, you'll never join the corps. They tell us at the training meetings for this recruiting thing I joined (it's just like my cutco job, except worse, and I don't get paid) that the number one rule for recruiting is DO NOT RECITE CAMPOS. I recited a campo. Sorry for ruining you.

Anyway, Silver Taps is actually pretty cool. It's a ceremony to honor all current students who died in the past month. It's held on the first Tuesday of each month, if anyone died in the past month. Sadly, every month I've been here has had a Silver Taps. It starts with a 21 gun salute, then a special version of taps (played with two bugles) is played three times, once to the north, south, and west, but not to the east, because the sun will never rise on those Aggies again. So that's Silver Taps. It happens at 10:30 tonight.

So today... nothing really special happened... I ate breakfast, went to a prayer meeting, went to class, went to a coffee shop with some buddies (it's becoming a Tuesday tradition for us), went to class, ate lunch, took a nap, went to class, pretended to study, went to class, studied for real, ate dinner, studied some more, and now I'm broggling!! I have a little bit more chemistry for tonight, but I'm pretty close to finishing.

So, we have this daily prayer meeting in our First Sergeant & Gunnery Sergeant's room. It's awesome. Like, it's the best way to start out the day, hands down. It's so cool to get together with some hardcore believers and pray for each other, even if just for a few minutes every morning. We pretty much just cover prayer requests, but we kinda mix up how we pray. Like, we started out going in a circle praying for the needs of the person next in line, then one time we went in a circle and each person read a verse from a psalm, then prayed about it, the next person read the next verse, prayed, etc. Today we split into pairs (one group of three) and prayed for each other. My partner and I finished before most everyone else (there were 9 people, I think), so I prayed for the other people on the list (we have requests for everyone in the meeting, then other people to pray for). It was really cool.

BTdubs (that's btw, or by the way), please keep praying for my mission trip. I haven't said much about it lately on my blrog, but I've been pretty worried about the money lately, so today I decided I'm giving all my worries about raising money for the trip to God. I'm still going to send out another letter like I planned, but I'm not going to fret about the money. It'll come. God can handle it, no problem. So, with that aside, I'm so excited to be going to Zambia!!!

I guess that's all for now. I kinda need to get ready for Silver Taps. I'll continue bolrogging later. Toodles!

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been searching for some decent stuff on the subject and haven't had any luck up until this point, You just got a new biggest fan!..
    Pommeaux de Douche
