Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So I've been thinking...


So, over spring break, I went to Colorado to go skiing. Yay! We drove there and back, and, for me, two whole days of sitting in a car means lots of thinking. And here's what I came up with.

So, things are changing. Think about it (I did, a lot). Think about everything. No, that's not big enough. Everything. Everywhere. All of creation. All of it. Yeah, I know, that's a lot. There's a lot to be said just about that. But anyways, still think about all of creation. Now think about this: it's always changing. Always. There is never a single moment in time, no matter how short, that is exactly like anytime previous, and there will never be another moment in time exactly like it, either. Even those giant stars that can last millions and billions of years, can only last that long. They have a limited lifespan. Everything does. Anything that changes, ends. It has to, because any change is bringing it closer to its end. Even if something doesn't appear to be changing, you get small enough, and something is moving, and moving means change, and change means end. Everything changes, everything has an end. Everything. You do, I do, the earth, the sun, stars, galaxies, caterpillars. Everything. There will be an end to all things. Now, I got to this point in my thinking, and I got pretty depressed. Sure, this means bad stuff will end. I've used this thought before as motivation to keep pushing through smokings and stuff. But good things end, too. The spring break trip. Over. Last summer is over, and at some point in time, this coming summer, what we're all looking forward to, will be over as well, and then all we are left with are memories. Only memories. Good memories, bad memories, they may bring emotions, but they don't bring back what happened. Talk to a young person, and what do they have? Nothing but ambitions! Talk to an old person, and what do they have? Nothing but memories. So what's the point of anything? It all just ends anyway. You build something up, someone else tears it down, if it doesn't fall on its own. You buy something, it breaks down (this is especially true of cars). Say something, and it's lost in the wind immediately. There's a History Channel show about "life after humans," where they predict what the world would be like if all the humans on the planet disappeared suddenly. They go from a few hours, a few days after, to thousands, and millions, of years. In the end, the only thing left that even hints of a civilization is our fossils. Nothing lasts forever. So, I'm thinking about this kind of stuff, and getting pretty depressed, when I pulled up a thought I had been saving in the back of my mind. Everything ends...  Except God. He is unchanging, therefore He is eternal, and vice versa. He never changes. Never. You can't put faith in anything except God, because nothing will stand still, except for God. Nothing will be there forever, except for God. Words are slow, and sorely ineffective. Stop and think about everything I've said. Really think about it. It's pretty crazy. So, why does everything change? Why is there an end to everything we see around us? Creation sings praises to its Creator; why is it temporary, and, in our case, so imperfect? I don't fully know the answer to that question, except I know that it's part of God's plan because it will bring Him the most glory, and I know this: it sure makes you long for home, doesn't it? Thinking about how nothing stays the same, nothing lasts forever, I can't wait for eternity with our unchanging, perfect God. Or as Matthew West puts it, "Maybe the reason for all hope, is so we can face the world, and the reason for the world is to make us long for home."

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