Monday, March 28, 2011

Intermolecular Forces & the Evaporation of Liquids

In this experiment, we experimented with intermolecular forces and the evaporation of liquids. You already know what liquids we used, so I won’t bore you with those details. You probably know basically what results we got as well, because you’ve probably done a similar experiment before, so I won’t waste any of your time with that, either. I’m sure you’re very busy, so I’ll give you a little bit more free time. Also, I’m sure you know the concepts we “learned” in this lab, so again, you’re off the hook there. You don’t have to worry about reading another entire lab report. I know, it’s a relief, isn’t it? You deserve a break. In fact, why don’t you take a break after you put this down? That’s right. It’s been a long day. Rest your eyes. Go get yourself a blanket and that book you haven’t touched in a week, and a nice hot cup of tea, and just sit back and chill for a while. Maybe even all evening. After all, you’ve been working really hard lately. Yes, people notice, and they really appreciate you. So kick back, take a break, and when it comes time to grade this lab report, just remember how nice that break was…

So, I really need some prayer right now. I'm under attack, and I'm starting to lose the fight. I'm getting depressed, over school, Zambia funds, and other stuff. I'm getting distracted; I didn't finish the lab report I was going to do today (thankfully it's due tomorrow), and I haven't studied for my theater test tomorrow. I'm demotivated, and on an emotional roller coaster, slowing gliding to a stop. I feel like I know what I need to do, but then I don't...

I've had "100 Degrees and You're Still Smiling" stuck in my head today. Awesome song. Wish I could hear it again. So true.

I'm tired, but I stay up til midnight.


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