I'm all better now. Well, almost all better. I went upstairs a little while ago, and that kinda wore me out. I think I'll have my strength (haha) back by tomorrow, though. Maybe I'll do a little pt on Saturday. I hate pt. But I haven't done any since.... oh wow, since last Tuesday. I'm out of shape. But yeah, I probably would be back at A&M right now, if those doctors at the hospital, or even the ones at minor emergency, would have just given me some antibiotics last Saturday. But no, all I got was some pain medicine, so I didn't get much better until I went back and got some antibiotics yesterday. No one knew what I had, though. I guess that's actually kinda scary, when you think about it. The tests at minor emergency for strep, mono, and flu all came back negative. The couple blood tests at the emergency room didn't show anything, and the doctor said my throat looked good when he looked at it with that little light thing. You know, the one on the end of the stick, that they tell you to open and say "ahhh" so they can shine the light down your throat and look through the little hole? Yeah, that thing. So, since he didn't see anything too crazy, they went and x-rayed my throat to look deep inside it for infections (yeah, I don't know how an x-ray is supposed to see infections, but whatever). That didn't accomplish anything, either. Well, the guy who did the x-ray was pretty cool (see my other post where I talk about Michael), so I guess meeting him was a plus. I was high, though, so anything that involved people that talked to me was a plus at the time. But anyway, all those tests, and no one could tell for sure what it was. The doctor finally just guessed that it had to be laryngitis, and I just accepted this as true. Giving me vicodine and just telling me to chill for a little while wasn't the best remedy, though. Oh well, it was a nice week off of school. Can't believe it's already Thursday night, though.
Ok, I should definitely probably put something relevant and important on this post. I think most of what I previously said was just me repeating what I said in another post. I've posted a lot this past week, cuz I've been so bored. I've also started over my Zelda game on the wii, and gotten probably halfway through it already. I think I've put in 16 hours on it just this week. That's 6 days, though, so it averages out to less than 3 hours a day. I don't think I played any yesterday, though, which brings the average to more than 3 hours a day. That can't be healthy.

Is it weird to think that I used to look kinda like him? I mean, I have blue eyes, and I used to have long blonde hair. Not quite like his, but kinda close. I guess I don't have his sideburns, though. Or pointy ears.
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