Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ok, so...

Yeah, I don't know what to write about again. I just feel obligated to post something because it's been like a month and a half since my last post. I want to go to sleep, though, so this will be one of those ones that I say will be short but then ends up being really long anyway because I come up with more and more stuff to talk about...

Like Zambia!! Oh, man, am I excited for Zambia now!! We had a meeting Saturday in Houston about the trip, and it was awesome! I am so pumped for this trip now. It's going to be so cool! Those orphans there in and around Lusaka (capital of Zambia, and where Camp LIFE is) have been through so much, some of them feel so worthless, because they've been told their whole lives that they are worthless... until they come to Camp LIFE! The theme this year is the Kingdom of Heaven, and it's all about how much each of those kids is worth! Some of them come to camp not even able to look you in the eye because, in the past, eye contact meant harsh punishment. But by the end of camp, they know that they are precious, highly favored, and so very loved children of God, and princes and princesses in God's Kingdom! Isn't that so cool? We'll take them to a hilltop on Friday, the last day (when the guy said "we're taking them to the hilltop this year," everyone who had been before freaked out, and I had no idea what was going on), and show them a glimpse of the glorious kingdom God has for them. We'll give them gifts like shirts, socks, shoes, and we'll sing songs, dance, and just love them all week! I'll have my own group of about 10 kids! My own group!! I'll get to know these kids personally... man, I can't wait for June 9th!!!

So, after the meeting in Houston, I went to Jaclyn's house! (or "your house," Jaclyn, because you're probably the only person who reads these anymore anyways. That was cool. I got to hang out with the kids she babysits, hang out with the rest of her family, then go to church with them the next day, and guess what? It was missions Sunday!! Talk about coincidence (aka God thing)! And guess what else? I got my passport pictures taken, and a passport application! So that stuff was pretty cool, but I know that God planned it all out and wanted me to be there, and you know how I know? He had me miss breakfast, and then they were serving cinnabons!!! If that isn't the hand of God, I don't know what is...

So, Josh, my old old lady, got dismissed from the corps for grades. It's really depressing, because I really enjoyed living with him and stuff. We got along really well, and always made each other laugh. Now my new old lady, Scott, has fully moved in. He's quite a bit different from Josh.

By the way, we sleep on the floor every night.

So, Scott dips, which Josh didn't do, and I think it's kinda nasty. So far we haven't had any major issues with that, but it's only the first day. He also cusses a lot. Josh did, too, but I think Scott is worse. I'm not sure if he'll try to curb it for me, but he might. The biggest thing, however, is that he's a hardcore atheist. Maybe this is why God worked it out so that we're old ladies now. Part of me is excited for this opportunity to influence him, but there's another part of me that just longs for a roommate who's a Christian that's really on fire, who I can learn from and grow with, or even just have legit God conversations with... I don't have anyone like that in my class. The only other Christian is never here, and I don't think I can live with him anyway. Plus he's already old ladies with someone else. Scott was single status (by himself) because we have an odd number of males in our class, so he got moved in with me instead of us both living alone. Please pray for me, for my strength to remain uninfluenced by Scott's lifestyles, and for Scott, that God would soften his heart to the truth of His love (and existence), and also for me to find someone. There are plenty of upperclassmen to go to, there's Brian, people from Impact, even someone I know going to Zambia, but I feel so alone in a crowd right now.


  1. I feel the same way about feeling alone in a crowd right now, and I have for a long time now. No girls that I have really clicked with and have become good friends with. I also have never had a roommate that I really enjoyed. But God has a plan for everything and that is what keeps me going and not letting that bring me down.

  2. Dude, you didn't tell me you switched old ladies this semester... or if you did I didn't remember. Sorry man. I'm going to be praying for you a lot this next week. Also, we need to be getting together a lot more. This every three weeks thing isn't going to cut it. Not just for friendship sake, but for encouraging each other in following God. Talk to you tomorrow.
