Monday, April 12, 2010

bada bing, bada BANG!!

Ok, so I learned something really interesting last week. Not sure how true it is, but this guy seemed pretty legit. It was last Thursday. There was this presentation my brother told me about, called “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.” I don’t know the name of the guy who spoke, but he knew his stuff. His arguments were a little… I don’t know the word… it was like all he did was try to turn your arguments back against you, except that’s not all he did. I don’t know how to explain it, but basically, it was enough to make me listen. He’s a Christian, but his whole presentation was given from the most neutral viewpoint he could give. It was all about scientific evidence pointing towards the theory of “intelligent design,” which, if you haven’t heard of it, is just the new word for Creation. It just means that some intelligent being (i.e. God) designed, and created, everything. The thing about his presentation that got me, though, was that it also gave evidence, actually proof, for the “Big Bang,” the theory that the universe exploded into existence. I know what you’re thinking now. Does he believe in God, or the Big Bang? Here’s what he said: “Most Christians hear the words ‘Big Bang’ and go ‘Oh, the Big Bang. I don’t believe in the Big Bang.’ Well, I believe in the Big Bang. That’s right, I believe in the Big Bang. I just know who banged it!” He then showed how evidence, very strong evidence, pointed toward not just a definite beginning of the universe (indicating that it had been created at some point), but also that it was expanding outward (indicating that it had exploded into existence), and that the explosion had been so precise, it had to have been set up (enter God. Actually, enter God’s smartness. He came in back at the creation part). The universe exploded from nothing into something, which meant there had to be something outside of space, time, and matter that created it.

That’s a pretty interesting bit to chew on, isn’t it? I’m not sure what to make of it, really. I’ve always thought that the Big Bang theory was wrong, but that God could have created the universe that way, if He had chosen to. I didn’t think He had, though. But when you think about it, the Bible just says “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” but not how He did it. Maybe He exploded it all here. Maybe not. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, huh?

1 comment:

  1. In your abundant spare time (Haha right?) you should read the book by the same name. Awesome book. I bet it was one of the authors that came and spoke.
