My arm is messed up, in case you hadn't heard. Some kind of nerve damage or something. It sounds serious, but I should be fine in a few weeks. It's really not that bad. I just have trouble moving it certain ways. So, instead of having one arm that just doesn't work, I look really awkward sometimes while trying to use my right arm or hand. It's really annoying and frustrating, actually, because this is the second injury I've had during this candidacy. Oh well. I'm not letting it stop me, and I think that's what they're looking for. I don't need to do push ups to earn those things. I guess I do need to high port, though.
I hope this support letter thing works out. I really think it will, actually. I'm pretty excited about it. I got the letter done, and Mr Seale, who I'm pretty sure had sent out and/or received plenty of similar letters before, said that it was really good. He made a couple corrections, and now I have a finished draft, and a list of people to send it to. I haven't counted, but I'm pretty sure I have close to a hundred names and addresses. Hopefully, that'll bring in some support, and I can work at camp all summer. I figure that even a 2% return on it will bring in over $200. That's not too bad. Hopefully, we'll have a better return rate, though. One can only pray and do, huh?
So today, today was an interesting day. With my hurt arm, it was really hard to get into uniform. We're supposed to get dressed in two minutes or less, but it took us, according to the upperclassmen, around six. Then, I had to do a special job, which required getting food insanely fast, and helping set it and stuff. Yeah, some of the stuff I messed up wasn't because of my arm, but the reason I could hardly eat anything correctly was because of how difficult it was, and still is, to bring my right hand up to my face. It makes saluting pretty interesting, too. Anyway, after chow, during which a sophomore told me "you haven't done a single thing right all morning," I was pretty upset, and my arm wasn't any better. I had trouble staying awake in physics, but we had no lab or quiz, just a test review. I got to hang out with Smith in the library coffee shop, too. That's starting to become a Monday tradition. It's pretty nice. Good stress relief. I got a muffin. Then I took a little nap (shh!), and, on my way to band, I saw a military officer. You're supposed to salute them when you're both in uniform, so I did. I thought it was the first time I had done it right, until he stopped me and said that you say "Good morning/evening/etc, sir/ma'am" as well, while saluting. He was really nice about it, though, asking me how my day had been, and telling me I could get through gc, because he had done it, too, when I told him it had been a rough morning because of it. Then he said "carry on!" in the same way you say "Have a nice day!" It really helped. After that, the day kind of fluctuated. Mr Sikes cheered me up just by saying "Hey, Brandon!" like always. He's so nice. Training time wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did different pt from my buddies when I had to, but I still tried just as hard, and I think they noticed. I don't know. Our class got rewarded by being allowed to skip formation and go eat wherever we wanted to. Everyone left without me, but I met up with them at McDonald's. Sure, it wasn't the best for my health, but it was a nice change of pace. The rest of the day went pretty well. I got a text from Brian in the morning that made me laugh, too. And every time I look at the background on my phone, I crack up. Elisabeth finally got me back, and it was good. Oh wow, I wrote a lot. And I took a long time. I do this all the time! And at the worst times, too! We're probably getting a mock GM tomorrow. Oh well. I hope we get free flow, at least. I should probably go, so I can square away. My old lady values sleep more than GM scores. He's not the one who'll be doing class sets for cuts in our room, though. That's frustrating. Oh well. Tomorrow is a pretty easy day. I don't have formation or training time, and I get to wear ACU's for half of the day. I just hope leadlab doesn't consist of something that we need both arms for. Oh, and I need to get my 104-R turned in...
You know, I think I learned something from today. I was all depressed, almost all day, because I had messed up in the morning, and I thought that we were getting smoked for it this afternoon. All through the day, lots of good things happened, but I was so depressed that it took until this evening for me to cheer up. And for training time, we did get smoked, a lot, but only a little of it was for me. In fact, I think we did one, maybe two, class sets for stuff that was because of me alone. Everything else was either all of us, or one of my other gc buddies. I had almost refused to be cheered up, because I was brought down so much by bad things. Yeah, things made me smile, but, overall, I was pretty down. The stuff I was sad about just turned out to be in my head anyway. Really, the only thing wrong about today was my attitude. I had the attitude of "I'm sad, and I'm gonna stay sad." I have no idea why people want to stay sad when they are, but I'm pretty sure we all do it. It's like we think being sad will make us happy. I don't know. From now on, I'm gonna try to be willing to be cheered up. Nothing is worth staying sad about. That's saying that grieving is different from being sad in general. I hope to be happy most of the time. I like being happy, don't you?
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