Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just wait.

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. I don't really know what to say. There's been a lot going on, mostly good stuff, but I don't know what all to write about. Camp is about to start (super exciting!!!), but I can only go to one 3 day camp before I leave for Zambia next Thursday (also super exciting!!!), and then summer goes crazy. Unless I find some time to post stuff from Zambia, I probably won't blog again until August. Sorry, but don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway, I guess I should make this one good... yeah, I got nothin'. Sorry. Oh wait, I never talked about the canoe trip with Brian! So we did go on that trip we were talking about, and it was really cool. We saw a dead cow, and an armadillo, and about a million turtles. And we ate a lot of gorp (by "we," I mean just me). Gorp is good ol' raisins and peanuts. What we had was technically gorpmc, though, which is good ol' raisins peanuts m&m's and cranberries. Plus some other stuff. It was good :) It was a really cool trip, and we went about 76 miles down the Colorado River (from Little Webberville in Austin to Plum Park in... wherever it is) in 3 days. Yeah, we're beasts.

Also, yesterday (Sunday yesterday, not technical yesterday, since it's technically Tuesday. I don't care), my dad and I went to College Station, and on the way back, we stopped by the Texas Boot Company in Bastrop to see  what hours they're open. They were closed, and didn't have an hours sign up, but there were some people inside, so I tried to open the door to poke my head in and ask for hours, but it was locked. The guy that was inside opened the door, invited us to come in and shop for a while (even though I told him we just wanted to look around), and started talking to us. Turns out it was the owner, who had stopped by for a minute because his wife had to use the restroom. They're really cool people. They're Christians, and he's an Aggie (I didn't ask what year). They had actually just opened up a dance hall in the back of the store for Aggies to stop at on the way to games from San Antonio and Austin. I started talking to his wife about Camp Winchester, and Zambia, and it turns out she knows one or two people who went or are going on the same thing I'm going on (Camp LIFE). Then the guy gave me a bunch of coupons for the camp staff. It was pretty crazy, most of all because I know it was God's doing. See, we wouldn't have met them if we had been just a few minutes earlier or later, and we had missed the store the first time around and had to loop around the highway again to get back to it. Also, they used to have a sign with their hours posted, but it got old, so they had recently taken it down... Haha yeah, I know. And then, one more thing. I wanted to tell people about it (I don't really know why), so I told Brian, but then I also wanted to tell Hannah (I don't really know why), but instead of just telling her about meeting the owners, I told her to tell anyone at camp that wanted new boots that I have coupons (I don't really know why). She texted me back to tell me that she needs to get some boots, and she was going to go this week. Haha isn't God funny sometimes? (I mean literally funny, like humorous. God has a sense of humor, and He's way funnier than you are)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Busy bee

Are bees really always busy? Or are they any busier than any other animal?

I've been really busy lately, and it doesn't look like it'll let up until... uh... maybe Christmas? Once finals are over next week, and final review and Jaclyn's grad party, Brian (Sowell) and I are going on a canoe trip. For sure. It's gonna happen... we hope. I think it's possible. And after that, I might go backpacking with Brian (Smith), but it looks like we'll be putting that off for a little bit. But all during May, I'll be visiting churches to ask for money (I don't really feel right just walking up and asking for money, though) for Zambia, along with preparing for the trip itself as well. Also, there's a cncert with my (ex)band, staff training, and then camp starts at the end of May, and then I leave for Zambia in June, and I go straight to Missouri for a family reunion once I get back into the country, and then straight to camp once I get back into the state. Until August, it's camp, with a weekend trip in July to the coast with Brian and Daniel (Sowell) and some other guys, and probably working a couple Saturdays at Truck City. I might have a week off after camp ends, but even if I do, it'll be spent packing for school, which I have to move in for early this year. Once school starts, I'll probably be a sleepless hermit for 3 1/2 months, with maybe 2 weekends off, until Christmas break, during which I might take online classes...

Why do I bring all this up? Well, for one thing, I just basically wrote out all my plans for the next 7 or so months, and I can see how crazy they are (I decided while typing all that that I probably shouldn't take online classes this summer). Also, I want you to catch something I just said. All of those things are my plans. That's everything I want to do. Yes, God is a huge part of almost everything I just said - everything if you count the fact that we do everything for the glory of God - but I'm still the one who made all those plans. Even Zambia, though God is telling to go, I've been planning, and seeing how I can make it work. Does this show a lack of faith, planning out my year for myself? Maybe. It really depends on intentions and motivation. I didn't plan everything because I don't think God has a plan, or that His plan isn't good, though. I think (and I'm figuring this all out as I type, I just started this post without any real direction or intention, I just wanted to post something. I need to go to sleep soon. Anyway, I think) I just did it because I wanted to do those things, and because it's habit. We plan stuff out so that we know what's going to happen, and we can be prepared for it. I guess its not wrong to plan on things, as long as you understand that everything happens only inside God's will. Oh, and as long as you keep your schedule flexible...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sorry, I can't be calm right now! I'm so excited! Like, you have no idea. God is doing incredible things right now! This guy in my outfit just got saved, and he is totally on fire for Christ now! Its amazing how far he has come in literally less than 24 hours. And the head drum major, who is a key leader of the entire band, is hardcore on fire for God as well, and he was talking about some crazy bandwide praise and worship that we're planning for next year, and our outfit commander is also a strong man of faith, and one of my spiritual mentors. He's chosen some great leadership for our outfit as well. I'm so excited for next year! I'm so excited for tomorrow! God is so awesome!